We offer a comprehensive range of products, designed to meet specific needs of industries:
Reverse Osmosis Plant
RO or Reverse Osmosis Plant is best known for hyper filtration and it is used by our Industrial and Commercial Brackish Water & Seawater Reverse Osmosis Systems for purifying water with the removal of salts and other impurities. The system is well capable of rejecting sugars, proteins, bacteria, dyes, and other constituents that have a molecular weight of greater than 150-250 Daltons.
We at Aadhi Eco Solution manufacture a full range of sweater desalination systems that are designed especially for the heavy and continuous duty service in the marine applications where dependable and quality performance is the prominent factors. The standard Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis systems in our product suit are available with the capacities ranging from 100 LPH to 50,000 LPH. For manufacturing custom built Reverse Osmosis Plants, Aadhi Eco Solution is quite capable.
Industrial facilities and municipalities can use RO permeate as a consistently pure drinking water supply along with transforming drinking water into highly pure water for industrial usage at food and beverages, microelectronics, marine, power and pharmaceutical facilities.
Water Purification at a Unique Source
Our Reverse Osmosis Systems delivers high performance at the lowest cost of life-cycle. The pre-engineered systems at our company are built with high quality components that are specifically designed for the purpose of water purification. They are readily available systems to use with all filters, pumps, membranes, controls, piping and operating manuals.
We supply valves, filters, membrane elements, pumps, ultafiltration equipments, nanofiltration equipments and other components. Our solutions are unique in their design and operation of these units. We build complete machine and all major RO system components are stocked at Aadhi Eco Solution including controls, filters, membrane elements and high pressure pumps.
Aadhi Eco Solutions will make you receive economical solution to create value for you with reducing your operating costs for reverse osmosis systems.
Mineral Water Treatment Plant
Mineral water requirements and their demands are increasing constantly and rapidly with increasing consciousness of people towards their health. Bottled mineral water assures water quality and easy transportability. This mineral water plant project involves machinery for bottle manufacturing, purifying water, bottling purified water and labelling. The designing of the plant basically includes economically viable capacity like the capital outlay is optimized. The capacity of the various units includes Ultra/RO Filtration Plant, Bottle Manufacturing, and Labelling, Bottle Filling Machine (Reinsing Filling and Caping Machine). These all the four capacities are matching to each other and for any adjustment, some of the machines can be run for longer duration.
You can view further the flow diagram of process including total water treatment process with filling and packaging:
Raw Water Storage Tank: It is used for storing raw water.
Raw Water Transfer Pump: It is used for feeding raw water in the pre-treatment of RO plant.
Multigrade Sand Filter: A set of Multigrade Pressure Sand Filter (MSF) unit in SS construction is provided for filtering raw water that is passed through a Multigrade Sand Filter (MSF) unit to remove suspended matters and turbidity present in the raw water. It is a SS vertical pressure vessel and externally this unit is fitted with Multiport valve. The unit is charged with filtering media. When raw water is passed through this filter bed, the suspended matters and turbidity gets removed.
Activated Carbon Filter: A set of Activated Carbon Filter (ACF) unit in SS construction is provided to filter raw water. Raw water is passed through an Activated Carbon Filter (ACF) unit to filter raw water. Activated Carbon Filter (ACF) unit is installed for passing raw water to remove colour and odour present in the raw water. It is a SS vertical pressure vessel and this unit is externally fitted with Multiport valve. This unit is charged with Activated Carbon media. When raw water is passed through this filter bed, colour & odour gets removed.
Anti-Scalant Chemical Dosing: A number of Anti-Scalant Chemical Dosing with Dosing Tank is used for preventing the precipitation in the membrane and hence, it enhances the life of RO Membrances.
Micron Cartridge Filters: These filters are complete with corrosion proof housing suitable for brackish water conditions. Cartridges are rated at 10 microns and 5 microns pore size.
High Pressure Pump: A high pressure pump with motor is provided with reverse osmosis system. This pump is of Multi stage Centrifugal type and increases pressure required for the RO system.
Desalination Reverse Osmosis System: Through this system, total dissolved solids get removed at the rejection rate of 90% to 97%. In the shape of permit, the desirable quality of water is obtained along with draining out of the waste water as rejected dissolved solids.
pH Chemical Dosing: This dosing treatment is used for final process of treatment in which pH value is corrected through the chemical dosing process.
Ozonator: Ozonator involves treating product water obtained through above process for the removal of micro-organisms present in the treated mineral water.
Treated water storage tank: Storage of final water is done in the stainless steel tank.
Filling section: Finally, the water is packed in food grade pet bottles of respective sizes through semi-automatic filling machine in an isolated section involving absolute hygiene.
Quality Inspection: As the bottles get filled, each bottle is taken through the intensive quality check measures like white light inspection before they are dispatched.
Packaging: Then, these bottles are taken for final bulk packaging in cartons etc that are ready for despatch in the market.
Water Softner
Water softeners used in industries are specific ion
exchangers that are specifically designed for removing positively charged ions.
Mainly these softeners remove magnesium (Mg2+) and Calcium (Ca2+) ions.
Magnesium and Calcium are referred to as the hardness minerals. Sometimes,
these softeners are even applied for removing iron. These softening devices can
remove up to 5 milligrams per liter of dissolved iron. They can operate
automatic, semi-automatic, or manual. Every type is rated on the amount of
hardness it can remove before the necessary regeneration. Commercial softeners
collect hardness minerals from the water within its conditioning tank and flush
them away from time to time to drain.
More often, the ion exchangers are used for water
softening. When an ion exchanger is applied to soften water, it will replace
the calcium magnesium ions in the water with other ions, for example potassium
or sodium. The exchanger ions are added to the ion exchanger reservoir as
potassium sodium salts (KCl and NaCl).
A good system for water softening lasts for many
years. Water softeners supplied in the 1980s may still work and may require
very little maintenance other than filling them with salt occasionally.
Generally, three types of salts are sold for water softening including rock
salt, solar salt and evaporated salt.
Usually, salt is added to the reservoir while the
softener is regenerated. If the frequency of regeneration is higher, it will
require more salt to be added. Water softeners are generally checked twice a
month. Satisfactory production of the soft water is guaranteed by keeping at least
half-full of the salt levels at all times.
Experts at Aadhi Eco Solution with their water
softener systems assure that you will receive economical situation that will
add value for you to reduce your costs.
Swimming Pool Filteration
Aadhi Eco Solution’s pool filters are extremely helpful for you to get your personal pool cleaned. On the other hand, it helps the pool owners running their pools for public usage to get cleaned and filtered with the easy and helpful operations. The skilled and expert technicians with advanced tools and systems assure absolute assistance in this regard. The swimming pool filtration by our experts at Aadhi Eco Solutions facilitates filtering out of the particles from five to three microns in size. These filters run at high pressures and our experts always make this sure that the pump can handle the pressure. Hence, it helps in avoiding flow loss and inefficiency.
Effluent Treatment Plant
Immense amount of commercial and industrial effluents create pollution in the environment. Hence, Aadhi Eco Solution Water Treatment Plants handle these effluents for making our environment healthy and safe. We at Aadhi Eco Solution offer innovative Effluent Treatment Plants for the removal of the pollution effluents with economical operation and quality discharge to meet the norms of the stringent pollution control.
Mainly, it depends upon the type of effluent when different processes are developed for the cost effective treatment. After complete research and trial run by our pilot plants, technological solutions are made available.
Our Effluent Treatment Plants are capable of catering diversified areas like Electroplating and Picking Industries, Automobile Industries, Textile Industry, Export Houses and many more. We hire expert professionals for dealing in the following Effluent Treatment Technologies:
Physio – Chemical Treatment
Biological Treatment
Aerobic Treatment Plants
Activated Sludge Treatment
Extended Aeration system
Diffused Aeration System
Sewage Treatment Plants
We are a professionally managed organization and having expertise in the following Effluent Treatment Technologies:
· Extended Aeration
· Submerged Aeration Fixed Film
Domestic waste water treatment plants of any city consists of collection, treatment and disposal. In conventional centralized sewage treatment system, about 80% of the cost is accounted for the collection. The cost of collection of sewage and its conveyance to the terminal point in the large cities is very high. Further, the depth of sewer goes on increasing with the increase of length of sewer line and pumping of the sewage at the intermediate and terminal points requires a lot of energy. In centralized treatment system volume of the sewage becomes very large and the distance of conveyance, as the sewage treatment plants are generally located outside of the cities, is very long. Further CTS aggravates the environmental problem also, because of large volume of the waste water of the entire city is discharged at one place. In decentralized treatment system, a balance between the advantages of large scale treatment in terms of economics of scale and individual responsibility for domestic waste water treatment system can be obtained by providing colony wise / sector-wise treatment system. Responsibility of construction as well as operation and maintenance may be taken up collectively by the residential colonies, builders and developers. Specific treatment technology should be selected as per the prevailing ground situation like availability of the land etc. Keeping in mind all these points, we offer decentralized state of the art following package sewage treatment system.
· Underground STP based on bioreactor (Biofilters)
· Mobile containerized STP based on Submersed media aerobic reactor (SMAeR
· Compact plant based on Fluidized aerobic reactor (FAeR)
After biological treatment, water is further treated by adopting tertiary metood that may be used for gardening/ flushing and other utilities. The Compact Package plant is easy to operate needs very low maintenance, minimum power consumption, land & consumables for reducing operating cost. These are generally manufactured in MS epoxy coated or Stainless steel / FRP as per the specific need. These compact plants are best suited for hotels, hospitals, holiday resorts, country / golf clubs, schools, housing complexes, national parks & industrial commercial complexes.
Ultraviolet Sterilizers
Aadhi Eco Solution UV sterilizers utilize germicidal ultraviolet lamps that produce short wave radiation lethal to bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms present in water.
Ultraviolet water treatment purification is a unique and rapid method of water disinfection without the use of heat or chemicals.
Through the years ultraviolet technology has become well established as a method of choice for effective and economical water disinfection.
Aadhi Eco Solution Ultraviolet Water Treatment Purifiers are the ideal solution for an ever growing range of water treatment applications. We provide UV water treatment systems from well known brands like Sterilite and R-Can.
Virtually all microorganisms are susceptible to Pure Aqua ultraviolet disinfection.
Hundreds of gallons are purified for each penny of operating cost.
No danger of overdosing, no addition of chemicals.
Water is ready for use as soon as it leaves the purifier – no further contact time required.
Simple installation and maintenance. Compact units require minimum space.
Provides continuous or intermittent disinfection without special attention or measurement.
Chemical Free
No chlorine taste or corrosion problems.
Capacities available from 2 to 800 gallons per minute (g.p.m.).
All lamps used in Pure Aqua units are low pressure type which affords the maximum efficiency in producing the required germicidal rays. In addition to the obvious advantages of high efficiency and low power requirements, there is no possibility of the unit overheating (as is the case with some other lamp types). Consequently, the need for additional equipment to combat overheating is eliminated.
With expertise of Aadhi Eco Solution UV sterilizers, you will receive economical solution that creates value for you while reducing your operating costs for reverse osmosis units.
The Process of Deionization or Ion-exchange
In the context of water purification, ion-exchange is a rapid and reversible process in which impurity ions present in the water are replaced by ions released by an ion-exchange resin. The impurity ions are taken up by the resin, which must be periodically regenerated to restore it to the original ionic form. (An ion is an atom or group of atoms with an electric charge. Positively-charged ions are called cations and are usually metals; negatively-charged ions are called anions and are usually non-metals).
The following ions are widely found in raw waters:
Calcium (Ca2+)
Chloride (Cl-)
Magnesium (Mg2+)
Bicarbonate (HCO3-)
Sodium (Na+)
Nitrate (NO3-)
Potassium (K+)
Carbonate (CO32-)
Iron (Fe2+)
Sulfate (SO42-)
Ion Exchange Resins
There are two basic types of resin - cation-exchange and anion-exchange resins. Cation exchange resins will release Hydrogen (H+) ions or other positively charged ions in exchange for impurity cations present in the water. Anion exchange resins will release hydroxyl (OH-) ions or other negatively charged ions in exchange for impurity anions present in the water.
The application of ion-exchange to water treatment and purification
There are three ways in which ion-exchange technology can be used in water treatment and purification: first, cation-exchange resins alone can be employed to soften water by base exchange; secondly, anion-exchange resins alone can be used for organic scavenging or nitrate removal; and thirdly, combinations of cation-exchange and anion-exchange resins can be used to remove virtually all the ionic impurities present in the feedwater, a process known as deionization. Water deionizers purification process results in water of exceptionally high quality.
For many laboratory and industrial applications, high-purity water which is essentially free from ionic contaminants is required. Water of this quality can be produced by deionization.The two most common types of deionization are:
- Two-bed deionization
- Mixed-bed deionization
Two-bed deionization
The two-bed deionizer consists of two vessels - one containing a cation-exchange resin in the hydrogen (H+) form and the other containing an anion resin in the hydroxyl (OH-) form. Water flows through the cation column, whereupon all the cations are exchanged for hydrogen ions.To keep the water electrically balanced, for every monovalent cation, e.g. Na+, one hydrogen ion is exchanged and for every divalent cation, e.g. Ca2+, or Mg2+, two hydrogen ions are exchanged. The same principle applies when considering anion-exchange. The decationised water then flows through the anion column. This time, all the negatively charged ions are exchanged for hydroxide ions which then combine with the hydrogen ions to form water (H2O).
Mixed-bed deionization
In mixed-bed deionizers the cation-exchange and anion-exchange resins are intimately mixed and contained in a single pressure vessel. The thorough mixture of cation-exchangers and anion-exchangers in a single column makes a mixed-bed deionizer equivalent to a lengthy series of two-bed plants. As a result, the water quality obtained from a mixed-bed deionizer is appreciably higher than that produced by a two-bed plant.
Although more efficient in purifying the incoming feedwater, mixed-bed plants are more sensitive to impurities in the water supply and involve a more complicated regeneration process. Mixed-bed deionizers are normally used to ‘polish’ the water to higher levels of purity after it has been initially treated by either a two-bed deionizer or a reverse osmosis unit.
EDI Electrodeionization Systems remove ions from aqueous streams, typically in conjunction with reverse osmosis (RO) and other purification devices. Our high-quality deionization modules continually produce ultrapure water up to 18.2MW/cm. EDI may be run continuously or intermittently
of Sand Carbon Filters
water filter systems are used for longer time periods before backwashing is
required as the bed can hold more turbidity. Trapping and holding of turbidity
takes place throughout the entire bed depth instead of the top one or two
of multi-media filtration is much better for use in a closed pressure tank
since the subsequent breakthrough of turbidity and cracking of the bed
virtually eliminates and there is hardly required any visual inspection. Using
the pressure tanks is of an obvious advantage than using the open basins or
filters for point-of-use filtration and it could also be of importance in small
community water supplies filtration. Usage of small diameter tanks with equal
or better results also allow the more rapid filtration flow rates in
multi-media filtration.
water brings a very high degree of clarity due to the fact that the finer
particles of garnet at the bottom trap finer turbidity particles.
clarification of water at a much higher flow rate than a single-media sand
filter is another important advantage of the multi-media water filters. This comprises
around 14 to 15 gallons per minute per square foot of bed area in comparison to
2gpm per square foot of bed area. This different is very important in the
production of filtered water. Advanced multi-media water filters from Aadhi
Eco Solutions (MF-1100,
MF-1000, MF-600, MF-500 MF-450, MF-410 MF-400 Series) helps in clarifying water
by sedimentary, iron, turbidity, removal along with removing unpleasant taste
and odours, unwanted colour and suspended particles. All of them are most
commonly found in surface water. These filters can be used in a variety of
service conditions including municipal, industrial and institutional
Multi-media water filter
systems from Aadhi Eco Solution are ideally suitable for use where stringent
water quality standards are required or where water contains higher levels of
suspended solids. These applications include re-use application, deionization
systems or as a pre-treatment system and water pre-treatment applications for
reverse osmosis systems prior to disposable beg or cartridge filters.
Eco Solution multi-media filter systems are the widely used filter systems in
the form of primary water filters for the removal of suspended solids in the
applications of incoming plant water or waste water clean-up. With the expert
services from Aadhi Eco Solution water filter systems, you will get economical
situation and it will surely create value to reduce your costs.
Silver has been used Ayurveda medicine in India for well over 2500 year. It is very common for foods in India to be covered with a very soft and edible silver foil. Chewing and ingesting such a medicine would provide hundreds of times more silver than is generally found in Homeopathic and Supplemental Colloidal Silver products in North America. Yet there are no reports of toxicity or buildup of silver in the human body in these forms.
By the early 1900’s the antibacterial solution called Colloidal Silver became the choice of medical practitioners. It proved to be effective against infectious organisms and extremely safe to use, without the negative side effects associated with drugs. But unfortunately its use was short lived. Silver was put on“What we actually have done, was rediscover that silver kills bacteria”, stated Dr. Robert 0. Becker M. D, (who become a “pioneer” for Colloidal silver). It was NASA that harnessed what nature already knew and designed an ionization system for their Apollo flights. the back shelf while new “improved” antibiotic drugs became the choice of medical treatment.
An ion is a modified atom. When an atom looses or gains an electron, it becomes an ion. The nucleus of an atom has a number of electrons orbiting around the central nucleus. Gaining an electron makes the atom a positively charged ion. All metallic ions are positively charged.
Performance Comparisons between chlorine and Silver ionization system
Aadhi Silver Ionization
Harmful to eyes?
Irritating to Skin?
Bleaches Hair
Explosive, Unsafe to Handle?
Dangerous to Store?
Corrosive to pool Equipment
Requires Daily Maintenance?
Absorbs Through Skin
Leaks Hazardous Benzene from pipes
Forms Carcinogenic
Creates Chloramines
Harmful to the Environment
Kills Algae
Kills Bacteria
Effects Of Fluoride & Arsenic And Removal Techniques
1 - Fluoride & its Effects
Fluoride is essential for human being as it helps in normal mineralization of bones and formation of dental enamel. It adversely affects the health of human being when their concentration exceeds the limit of 1.5 mg/l. About 96% of the fluoride in the body is found in bone and teeth. Fluoride is a double-edged sword. Ingestion of large amount of fluoride is as harmful as ingestion of its inadequate amount.
Inadequate quantities fluoride causes health problems especially in children. In cold countries like USA, UK etc. problems are related to inadequate consumption of fluoride. In these countries, fluoride is added to water to prevent health hazards. There are areas where dental problems have reduced progressively by adding fluoride in water. Due to inadequacy of fluoride, children suffer from:
Dental caries
Lack of formation of dental enamel
Lack of normal mineralization of bones.
All or a combination of the above
Fluoride poisoning and the biological response leading to ill effects depend on the following factors:
Excess concentration of fluoride in drinking water.
Low Calcium and high alkalinity in drinking water.
Total daily intake of fluoride
Duration of exposure to fluoride
Age of the individual groups as, fluoride crosses the placenta because there is no barrier and it also enters maternal milk.
Derangement in hormonal profile either as a result of fluoride poisoning or as Expectant mothers and lactating mothers are the most vulnerable
Total daily intake of fluoride
Duration of exposure to fluoride
a cause, aggravate the disease. Important hormones for healthy bone
formation and bone function are clacitonin, parathormone, vitamin - D
Fluorosis, a disease caused by excess intake of fluoride, is a slow progressive, crippling malady. The tissues affected by fluoride are; and cortisone.
Non Skeletal
Different fluoride doses (long term ingestion through water) and their effects on human body are given below:
Fluoride (mg/l)
Effects on human body
Below 0.5
Dental caries
0.5 to 1.0
Protection against dental caries. Takes care of bone and teeth
1.5 to 3.0
Dental fluorosis
3 to 10
Skeletal fluorosis (adverse changes in bone structure)
10 or more
Crippling skeletal fluorosis and severe osteoclerosis
2 - De- fluorination
Several methods have been suggested for removing excessive fluorides in drinking water. These may be broadly divided into two types.
Those based upon exchange process or adsorption
Those based upon addition of chemicals during treatment.
The material used in contact beds includes processed bone, natural or synthetic tri calcium phosphate, hydroxy apatite magnesia, activated alumina, activated carbon and ion exchanger.
Chemical treatment methods include the use of lime either alone or with magnesium and aluminium salts again either alone or in combination with coagulant aid. Other methods include addition to fluoride water of material like Magnesia, calcium phospate, bentonite and fuller’s earth, mixing and their separation from water by settling and filtration.
2.1 - Nalgonda Technique
The Nalgonda Technique involves the addition of two simple readily available chemicals Lime and Alum, followed by flocculation, sedimentation & filtration in sequence. These operations are simple and familiar to the engineers.
What is lime scale?
Limescale is the precipitation of calcium salts especially in hard water areas when water is heated or there is a pressure drop, causing hard scale to form in pipes, taps, washing machines, shower heads and combination boilers. Limescale combines with soap making it lather less. It leaves tidemarks on baths, sinks, basins, toilets and taps that are difficult to remove.
How does Scaletron work
Water is passed in a turbulent state over a very special metal alloy which alters the composition of the water near the alloy surface. This action changes the supersaturating ratio of the water and ensures that lime does not form hard lime scale.

Protection for your home or equipment
It inhibits the development of scale in both your hot and cold water systems reducing the formation of damaging hard scale deposits in appliances and reduces the cost of energy that the presence of hard scale causes in heating systems.
Benefits of Scaletron system
Scaletron gives most of the benefits of a water softener at a fraction of the price, and additional benefits are
- -Easy installation
- -Fit and forget
- -Uses no electricity
- -Uses no chemicals
- -Uses no salts
- -treated water is totally safe to drink
- -and no separate drinking water supply is required
- Environment friendly
- No contaminated waste water
- Simple to install
Scaletron is simply plumbed in to the rising main and is available in 15mm, 22mm, 28mm, 35mm, 42mm and 54mm sizes to meet the most common required domestic/commercial pipe sizes. Now all units are supplied with compression fittings for easy installation.